Régis Virot

After attending the Conservatoire d’art dramatique de Nancy (France) then the International theater school Jacques Lecoq in Paris (France), Régis worked both on classical plays (Marivaux, Tchekhov, Brecht…) and on contemporary pieces, creations and musicals such as The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (dir.: L. O’Flannagan), Zorro the musical at the Folies Bergère (dir.: C. Renshaw).
Régis constantly trains (Commedia Del Arte, artistic fencing, playwriting…) and develops his foundness for a direction mixing performing arts: les Femmes savantes, Portrait de famille, Un de ces froids, Le bal Toqué, Guillotine, Caramba, el cabaret, El Desvan -flamenco and theatre creation with Carlos Ruiz-, shows associating circus artists, actors, dancers, singers…
According to this, he joins Cirque Autour company in 2009, as a director as well as an actor and starts training stilts walking and performing.
For many years, Régis has been teaching both professional and amateur actors, for Cirque Autour of course, but also at the Sudden theatre workshops (Paris), Les Inclassables (Paris), In Extremis theater company… and also creates and directs workshops for business managers (teambuilding for Renault, L’Oréal, King Fisher…) through body theater.
Bilingual artist who was once part of the « business world », he also is in charge of the international contacts for Cirque Autour.